Article I - Name

This Local shall be known as Local 3680, Communications Workers Of America.

Article II - Jurisdiction

Jurisdiction of this Local 3680 shall be the same as specified in the Local Charter.

Article III - Objects

The objects of Local 3680 shall be to represent and serve the workers within its jurisdiction in accordance with the By-Laws and Rules of the Local and the Constitution and policies of the Union.

Article IV - Local Structure

The Structure of the Local shall consist of the following:

  1. Membership
  2. Executive Board
  3. Officers
  4. Committees

Article V - Membership

Section 1 - Eligibility

Any person eligible for membership in the Communications Workers of America, as defined in Article V of its Constitution, shall be eligible for membership in this Local, if performing work within the Local's jurisdiction, or if employed on a part-time or full-time basis by the Union.

Section 2 - Application

Membership in the Local shall be obtained after payment of the Local initiation fee of $2.00, and upon the approval of the Membership Committee of the group authorized to accept or reject membership in behalf of the Local, subject to the right of the Local to overrule the decision of a Membership Committee.

Section 3 - Transfers

The transfer of membership from this Local to the jurisdiction of another Local and from another Local the jurisdiction of this Local shall be made in accordance with Article V of the Union Constitution.